The Wassily Chair re-visited, 2018 – ongoing.
Marcel Breurer’s Wassily Chair embodies the Bauhaus ideals of reconciling art and industry, and making well-designed consumer goods available to the masses. The chair is widely recognized as a 20th century design classic.
In an act of cultural détournement (turning around), Modern classics are recast as champions of all the things Modernism was not…
The works celebrate cultural and social diversity, care and consideration of the environment, humour and irreverence – qualities and values not characteristic of ‘pure’ Modernism.
Black and Gold Wassily, 2018. Wassily chair frame, cling wrap. Dimensions: 780 x 620 x 720 mm high.
God is in the detail, 2020. Wassily chair frame, 6000 chromed steel beads and 300 24 Carrot gold plated Skulls. Dimensions: 780 x 620 x 720 mm high.
Gay Pride Wassily. 6000 red, yellow, green, purple, blue, orange and pink plastic beads. Dimensions: 780 x 620 x 720 mm high. Proposed collaboration with Mathieu Gallois' LGBTI relatives and friends.