2007 – ongoing. An expanded practice
Upon his return from Europe in 2003, several major developments broadened the scope of Gallois’ creative practice. Between 2004-7, Gallois completed a degree in architecture at UTS. Around this time, Gallois made a conscious decision to turn the direction of his practice inwards (so to speak) and engaged with Australian Indigenous history and culture (culminating in his PhD).
Gallois’ practice since 2007, has located itself more firmly between art and architecture, has been more socially and environmentally engaged, and has been characterised – in process – by research and long-term collaborations.
The Caged Trees of the central West design studio, 2018.
Wellington Wiradjuri Culture Centre, 2014.
The Infrequent Flyer campaign, 2013.
To Move Forward To Destiny Of Full Equality The Wellington Times 1944 – 1965, 2013.
Country, Spirit and Belonging: The Wiradjuri in Wellington Valley, 2012.
1 House = 1000 Homes, 2009.
The Reincarnated McMansion project, 2008- ongoing.